Just in case there was any doubt my children were related, I've just found proof....
My lovely oldest Ryan which we've all seen before
My sassy middle child Reese who apparently learned at a much younger age
Still teaching Max how to use that middle finger......
Speed work attempt was LESS than stellar today-blahhhh.
I hope you gave the workout the finger :P
Sorry 'bout that lack of swiftness you were temporarily experiencing today... we'll get our best people right on it and have things up to speed in no time ;-)
Soooo..what was the workout?
I've always loved this top picture. I have one of me as a baby giving my mom the bird. Too funny! You should have included one of you doing the same thing just to show the resemblance.
p.s. This is the shortest post I've ever seen from you!!! What is up??! ha ha.
OMG that kills me. Did you teach them that while they were in utero? Priceless.
Ahhhhhh! I did not have the best day you know one of those when the kids are not angels...I needed to laugh.
Thank you.
I am not sure whether I'd rather see that finger---or the booger picking finger on my own kids. haha. Only joking here, but whatever finger is OK as long as they use soap and water. blech....
Not hitting the speed so well? Time to tape over the garmin again...:) It's just an off day. That and the fact that you ran an incredible 22 miler this weekend, silly. Your legs will respond well at the appropriate time. :) Tell Katie to stop working you so hard!!!
Seriously, Jenn. You are amazing.
Bwa-HAHA! Your kids are full of genius. I love this...
Didn't you just run a 20+ the other day? I think you know that the speed is there - just a little delayed.
Great pics! The finger thing - a family trait? ha ha
BAHAHA....you taught them that I am sure:) Bummer about your speed workout, next time you will kill it!
Hah! Love it. Just caught up with your other posts. Max is so sweet. Love Little House on the Prairie but how do you run fast to it? :)
Boo for less than stellar running, hope you had a great pout!!
That boy looks afraid of Ryan...maybe he heard of the morning rituals at the Strand household!! :)
You can't hit them all baby...well, you USUALLY do so one off day is no big deal, right???!!
Love those pictures...
Hahaha. Keep it Klassy there. Max is behind on the learning curve...
At least you attempted the speedwork. I got home from work yesterday and thought about being productive/exercising... Ultimately I watched a movie and ate granola.
ba ha ha ha this is too funny
maybe I will share a pic of me giving a pastor the middle finger (this year in March - don't I know better?? - ha)
good days/ bad days - we all have them, at least they are rare for you. I'm sure your next hard workout will be totally back on track.
i'm just proud of you for getting in some speed work. i have YET to make it to my now-free-from-snow track and get in any sort of workout. so, i'm still jealous of your speed work, no matter how it actually went.
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