Anyways, backtracking a bit! The Twin Cities Marathon. My husband, sister and a couple of friends were running this and I was along for the ride! Could not have been a more beautiful day! I knew prior to the race that I would only be running small segments if any but this was OK with me for the most part as I would get a chance to watch my hubby run some of his first marathon (his first marathon coming off an injury on an average of 17.1 miles per week over the past 16 weeks, NO speedwork or tempo, and one long run of 17.5 miles). For those of you who haven't done this marathon it is a MUST do. BEAUTIFUL course, somewhat challenging and starts at the Metrodome in Minneapolis and finishes at the Capital in St. Paul. My plan race morning was to start with my friend Joni who was running 3:20 pace and run the first 5K and then hop out and jump in later (I was registered, had a number, but did not wear my shoe chip). At that point my plan was to finish the race with Joe. Gun went off and we took off. Funny how when you don't have the adrenaline of actually knowing you are going to run a full marathon, you REALLY notice more things. For example, the hill at mile 2. Totally did not notice this last year but it seemed like a mountain on this day. Anyway, made it to the 5K although it was not NEARLY as comfortable as it used to! It was a lot of fun to start the race with my friend and her husband graciously picked me up and we drove ahead to the 7 mile mark where we got to see everyone and then ahead to the 11 mile mark where I jumped back in. I was getting text updates for Joe and was able to see him around the half where he looked great and was right around 1:40. There was a slight technological mishap and I never got a text update for Joe at the 20 mile. I got the texts for the other 2 runners who now appeared to be in front of him. I was worried because he had never run that far and I wasn't sure if he had pulled something and dropped out. His personality type would never quit because of fatigue so I was positive he must have hurt himself. I watched Joni come up on the 23 mile mark and she hadn't seen him or passed him. He was on pace for 3:20 at the half, looking good, and now we were looking at closer to a 3:30 finish and apparently he still hadn't crossed the 20 mile. I ended up jumping in the race and finishing with her which was fun but worrying the whole time that he was in a medical tent somewhere. I was also really bummed out because I REALLY wanted to see him if not run with him in the last few miles. Anyway....
After I crossed the finish I got the text that he had finished in 3:19:35. Obviously I was super happy for him although slightly happy that I also for likely a SHORT SHORT time still hold one minute on his!!! Honestly, I wasn't surprised. If he trained I truly believe he would shatter that time. My sister had a terrible race (by her own accord) and finished in 3:36 which is way off the 3:22 she was going for. She said she mentally gave up when she knew she wouldn't get that and walked a great portion of the last 10K. My friend Joni ran a 3:28 after just running a 3:21 only 3 weeks ago. She is superwoman...I managed to run over 10 miles of the race which was fun for me to at least feel a part of it.
I would post some pics but Joe doesn't want his picture on my blog (He's already plastered all over my facebook-seriously....) and I probably shouldn't post pictures without consent of my friend either. Hmmm-are there any pictures of just me-no...
Random random-one thing. I think I saw Julie (Julie's running blog) from Maple Grove at the Metrodome. From a distance and briefly.
So-2012 is the year of my 15 year anniversary! I'm going to run the Boston marathon again with my husband-doesn't that just sound like a dream vacation!! To a runner-YES! Actually, we won't run together. Honestly, we have a fantastic marriage but I have no desire to actually run a marathon with him and vice versa. Celebrate after...YES!! I hope he just kills it even if it's 20 minutes faster than me!
As if this isn't long enough, I should touch on the Homecoming festivites! My daughter was the 7th grade Homecoming princess this year and it was SO fun to get her all dolled up and watch her at Coronation and the parade. She's a GREAT kid and I'm really proud of how well respected she is by her peers. I can post a pic here because it's just the 2 of us!!
As far as my running goes-things are looking great! Comfortable pace is slower for now than it used to be but my legs are doing well. I was able to run 11, 13, and 10 this week without any problems with my hip and my legs feel pretty strong. The plan for the next month is just to run without any regard to my pace, drop the excess baggage (bye bye sugar) that I've been carrying around, and try to just build up my mileage slightly while enjoying the amazing fall weather we've been getting. I won't have a race until March and then back on the table is the Grandma's marathon in June! I'm not flighty at all so there will be no changes to my current plans......
Hope all is well in Bloggyland! Love these mornings when the kids are all in school and I can just sit here with coffee and read all of your happenings!! So fun!
congrats to your husband, sister and few friends for finishing the marathon! and yes, only a runner couple would celebrate their anniversary by running Boston :) but you guys are awesome and fast enough to pull it off.
congrats to your daughter. great pic.
Hi Jenn,
Oh, it is so good to have a post from you again! I am so glad that things went well for your hubby...he had an awesome time:) Also, congrats to you for running part of it! It was the perfect day for running! You should of came up to me and said hi. I am so bummed that I missed you! I would of love to have met you in person:) Next year for sure!
Congrats to your daughter...what an honor and great accomplishment:) I love the beautiful picture of both of you!
I'll be at Boston this year- look forward to cheering and meeting all the runners!!!
You are still a smokin' mama. How's the text-life? LOL. Not sure I will ever forget that story... :)
You have fast genes in the family - hubs, you, sister. Not fair. LOL about not running Boston with him. Totally understand though! Congrats to the Princess also!
congrats to your hubby and all your friends! great times all around! those text update things never work properly!! is your hair short? or is it tied up? looks great, love it!
Your daughter is gorgeous! And enjoy your anniversary - that does sound like a great time.
congrats to the hubby, but I hate that he didn't really train and ran so fast. that's just not fair.
Sounds like you have a great plan for the fall. Enjoy!
Hey GIRL! Congrats to your husband, that's such a great time!! If my husband qualifies this Sunday at his marathon, we're off to Boston together too. We won't RUN together but it will be a FUN trip!!
I'm glad you're doing well and your daughter is just so sweet and beautiful, I'm sure you are just SO proud. It's neat that she is respected by her friends. I love that!
So happy to hear you're well!!
Congrats to your hubby and friend and your daughter! Love the idea of racing with the husband!
You both look great. And the extra weight wil come off now that you are starting to run:) You are going to get your speed back and some QUICKLY! You are v talented and I can't wait to see what you can do in the marathon and all other distances!
Awesome job by Hubs! And how great to see Julie! And what a beautiful picture of you and your daughter!
Welcome back. Glad you are on the mend!!!
you all are such speedsters! sounds like a fantastic marathon day all around.
congrats to your girl. Love the pic of you two!
Whoo hoo! The hubbs did amazing! I'm so very impressed! And I'm glad you still got a piece of the action.
Jealous of your Fall weather, still hot as hades here, hopefully it will cool off soon!
Good luck with mileage, you're on the way back!!!
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