Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A picture without words.....

As I posted before, my daughter was the 7th grade Homecoming Princess this year. I got the pictures of her and the little prince back today....

Check out the hand! She swears this was unintentional......Truthfully, I know it was but I got a mighty good BAHAHAHAHAHAHHA out of it!


ShutUpandRun said...

Omg that is the best ever!!! Dying lauging over here.

ihaverun said...

Hilarious!! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Michelle said...

Oh my! That is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

that is the BEST PHOTO ever- I really hope you made an 18x26 out of it and put it over the mantle!!!!

Julie said...

OMG!! That is so funny:) They look awesome!

My daughter went to the homecoming dance with her hockey player 10th grade boyfriend:) Maybe I will have to post a picture too! She is such a jock and lives in jeans and sweats. It was so fun to see her in a dress! She cleaned up good:)

Thanks for sharing Jenn!

Running and living said...

Beautiful picture! They both look so innocent...well, except the hand:)

Unknown said...

That couldn't have been intentional, she looks to young and naive!! They are both so little and so cute!! You'll have years of laughs over that picture!

Genesis said...


great picture! she looks just like you :)

Kruns2 said...

Ahahahaha! Seriously one of the best dance pictures. So funny! Let's see if it makes the yearbook. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, your daughter appears to be both nice and naughty. Can I blame the parents...

The Hungry Runner Girl said...

I love it!! Ha, I swear I do things like that all the time in my pictures. She looks so pretty!

Lindsay said...

ahahahaha. that's hilarious. you have an awesome family.

Jamie said...

that's awesome!

Kevin said...

That's awesome!!
