Attempted a photo here but taking a picture of myself into a mirror that is significantly shorter than me is hard-ha!

Factory Photo=Much better!!
2.HS Cross Country

What a joy this season of Cross Country was for me. My first experience with this sport!! I LOVE my daughter's spirit. Her team! Such a special year for her AND for me!

I learn a lot when I pick up the laundry and junk all over the floor in her room;) Inspired by my child when I find such treasures. I'm also laughing and thinking it's good she has fast legs since "beliveing" is not a word-ha!
3. This man.

Just enjoyed a date weekend with this guy:) 16 years of date weekends and they never get old.
4. Scarf, Hat, Mitten, Boot season!!!
I have carefully narrowed down my scarf collection to only a few that I think I will wear. I think I had some difficulty with the "narrowing down" part.....
5. THIS chapstick
Who says you can't eat chapstick.....I'm going through this stuff faster than a pack of gum. My tongue is also raw from licking my lips. A torn meniscus and a big fat ankle resulting in a stretch of ZERO miles running left me thinking it would be a good idea to leave some of the ACTUAL cake out of my diet for awhile:)
6. Perfect fall running weather!!!
I LOVE fall! Other than the nasty wind, give me COLD and crisp any day!! I've been running consistently and seeing my fitness increase here over the past couple of weeks. My pace getting a bit faster and feeling much stronger at the end of longer runs! Getting excited about challenging myself through the winter and grabbing a Boston PR at 38! Planning to do a simple weekly training update through this cycle.
7. The RINK!!!
Hockey has officially started and as a mom of 3 hockey kids, this is my winter home! Really excited for a season of traveling with friends and cheering on my kids!!!
And I could list 107 more:) Happy Sunday!!
I think MN is the best state for cross country personally!! Seeing those kids run through the leaves with their bright pink cheeks makes me smile! I am happy that you are enjoying the season! Where did you get that chapstick???? I am a chapstick fiend, but use raspberry lemonade flavor.
I think MN is the best state for cross country personally!! Seeing those kids run through the leaves with their bright pink cheeks makes me smile! I am happy that you are enjoying the season! Where did you get that chapstick???? I am a chapstick fiend, but use raspberry lemonade flavor.
@Becky. I agree with MN being a great CC state!! Makes me wish I was about 25 years younger and could participate-ha! Chapstick was an impulse buy at Walmart. God knows, if you have to stand in line for hours at every Walmart, they might as well taunt you with some yummy chapstick!!!
Hey you posted! Love that jacket but I so don't need another jacket! I thought of you just yesterday when I switched around summer/winter clothes and saw how many 1/4 zips I own. Cross country is a GREAT sport. Everyone "plays." Everyone can compete against themselves as well as be part of the team.
Hey you, nice to see you here:) I need to check out that jacket! Looks awesome on you! I don't know who likes CC more, you or Reese. Love all the pics. You are a skinny little thing these days. Can't wait to see you in 2 weeks!!!!!
Mmm cake batter Chapstick- almost as good as the real thing? :) Going to have to try it!
What a special season fall is! It must really make you proud to see how well your daughter did this year in CC. The notes take me back to high school/middle school. My parents cleaned their garage recently and found a boat load of those~ pretty funny to read over now.
Glad to see you are back and in fine fashion!
@ajh-funny how often I've thought of you when I fold up my 1/4 zips-ha! Haven't done a very good job of narrowing those down either!
@AM-yes, love the jacket! I wear it a lot! I do probably love watching CC nearly as much as Reese loves running it. Fun to truly enjoy the activities your kids are involved in!
@Raina-seriously you must buy the chapstick! Fall is my FAVORITE. Sunny, cold, beautiful!!
And Jenn, I first thought that was Reese in the pic, not you, ha!
Loved the CC pics and notes...brought back memories (I went to Winona Senior HS).
Glad all is well!
Have to add to the love of Mn Cross Country. I have a son and daughter that run for MoundsView in the Twin Cities. I love watching them all run and made to as many meets as I could.
sounds like you're having a pretty fantastic fall! I am also a big scarf and boot fan. So glad to pull them out again, although I think I could use a new one (or two) to add to the rotation this year. ;)
Wow, a Jenn post! I kind of had a feeling you'd write more. ;) Good to see you on here! Excited to see you PR at Boston at 38. I wonder where Reese gets her drive? :) And cute jacket. I think I might look into this one. This must be the socks and cowboy boot look that AM was talking about...I didn't know what she was referring to. Heck, I wouldn't even have known you blogged if I hadn't seen your post on Steph's blog roll since I rarely read blogs these days and had just had my quarterly read of my blog roll RIGHT before you posted this. Looks like i missed the last one too. Looking forward to more updates. xo
Hey lovely lady...remember me? Geez...we go waaay back. Good to see your post - you always make me smile.
I went through a tube of Red Velvet Chapstick last week...I keep wondering how many calories I licked off my lips. Next up is the birthday cake.
Good to "see" Joe - I hope he continues to spoil you rotten!
XC season has come to an end of a reign for my son...4 years - I LOVED every second of it. I know you're going to be . the best mom cheerleader ever...and kick some ass between optimal viewing points, leaving the other mom's gasping for air. Nope, you'll just be standing there, smiling, for getting up that hill to spectate with ease.
Take care, my friend!
Indeed MN is the best state for cross country, Lovely pictures
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