Jumping ahead 4 years here! Wow-4 years. I am AGAIN looking to train for the Boston marathon. I feel equally as excited at this moment!! This will be my 2nd Boston! I will have a ways to go before I begin training here but excited to once again make my way to that feeling that I felt on April 19th, 2010.
A little recap of the last 4 months!
I trained HARD through April and May. My goal was the best half marathon I could pull of in a matter of 8 weeks time. My goal race was the Intrepid Dezine Half marathon in Manitoba where I hoped to somehow get around the 1:30 mark. For the first time ever I turned over my training to someone I trusted GREATLY. A friend I met through this blog while training for the 2010 Boston marathon and a friend I will now have for life:) She took time out of her very busy personal life to write my workouts for me, listen to my feedback and put me in the best possible position to reach my goals here....
I did some SUPER workouts for me. Without a doubt, even in that short period of time, I was running faster and pushing myself harder than I've ever run. One of my hardest workouts was a 3X5K on 2 minutes rest. I've never done anything like that before!! I averaged 6:57 pace over all 3 of the 5K's. I also worked up to 6X1 mile repeats on one minute rest at 6:31 pace. I was able to run fast finish long runs like this in the same weeks I was completing 2 other hard workouts:

I also ran a very solid 10K race PR for me in the middle of training.

I believe I was trained magnificently considering the timeframe and I was in an excellent position to run a solid PR HM but it was just not meant to be this time....Race anxiety among other things seemed to get the better of me in 2 attempts. No excuses and as a result I finished my goal race in a disappointing (for ME) 1:35.
The rest of my summer seemed to go downhill in terms of running.
I ended up here:
I gave birth to an unexpected but very beautiful bouncing baby.....or perhaps I tore my meniscus.....I had it scoped on August 15th. Just as I was recovering and getting back to running....
I actually got this beauty while spectating my husband's marathon. I fell off my bike and one of the marathoners had to check and see if I was OK. Very Classy. I am now recovering from this but unfortunately my fall marathon (set to take place in 3 weeks) is not going to be something I can do this year.
Since I am in the process of showing pictures of my misfortune, I contemplated taking a picture of the poison ivy that is currently all over my ass and posting it but then again.....I wouldn't want to lose the 2 people that might still read my blog-ha! My 3rd year in a row that I haven't learned my lesson about pissing in ditches......
Moving ON!!!
A quick recap of things OTHER than MY running!!!
I had a GREAT summer! My 10 year old son was really involved with baseball this year and I had an absolute blast watching him!!

We spent a GREAT deal of time on the lake:

My son ran his first 5K:

We spend a lot of time at the beach and with family!

A trip to the zoo!

Lots of great MN evenings with the kids! Only one of these kiddos is biologically mine but I claim them both:)
I had my 20 year HS reunion!!! WOW-OLD!!!!
I headed out to Asheville, NC for a girls trip with 2 of my closest friends. Girls I know I will have in my life forever! ONE of these days, we are going to get a good picture of the 3 of us!!!!
I also snuck in a trip with my hubby of nearly 16 years. Felt like my honeymoon:)
Another fun girls trip to the Women Rock HM in St. Paul in which I was able to complete a HM only 2 weeks after surgery. Very slow and my personal worst but really a fun race for me!!
This fall I am finding myself absolutely LOVING High School Cross Country!! My daughter is now in 7th grade this year so she can finally compete! She ran her first meet on the junior high team but quickly found herself moving up and competing at the Varsity level and is currently our High School's number 3 runner. SO proud of her as she's worked very hard for this. This is SO fun for me. So exciting to see one of my kids have a passion here.

She's the inside runner

My husband ran a marathon last weekend in which I got to cheer like a madwoman. He did not get his BQ goal but boy were we proud of him! Also got a chance to spend the weekend with another VERY special friend who I met through this blog as she opened her home to us over the marathon!!
So-this is mostly a poorly written random update dump post but it takes me to present day and I had to start somewhere!!! Perhaps I will begin again:)
Sounds like great summer minus the injuries. PR will happen, no doubt about that. Have not blogged for at least a year myself. Would have no idea where to begin.
Hooray, you blogged! As one of your earliest blogger followers, and one I got to meet in Boston, and one I've followed for years, and one who's touched my heart...(etc :)), it's good to hear all the updates with you (since I'm horrible at emailing).
Bummer about the meniscus but I'm glad your meniscus is healing well. I'm stocked for your upcoming Boston adventure (so wish I could be there (will they take my Leadville 50 as a qualifier? :)) and see you race your badass self on that badass course. One day our paths will cross again - of that I am certain :).
Your spawn are growing up so much...gawds, where has time gone? Everyone looks happy - and healthy; you've done a great job, momma!!
Miss you!
And, as you can see, I still can't type. It's 10x worse when I turned 50 last spring.
Random dump posts covering months are FUN! So glad to hear all whazzup and that you are well on your way to excellent running post-surgery. Your kids are just amazing...as are you...and your husband :)
OUch OUch ouch ouch! Glad to hear from you and see pictures of your beautiful family.
"Wait, she was only MIA for 4 months, that's not long enough to have a baby???" <-- brain totally functioning here. Always love seeing random posts from you! Impressed by little miss abercrombie moving up to #3, and only 7th grade! Congrats on getting in to Boston again and good luck training! Don't forget to post. Is that picture frame still empty? :)
I'm very happy to see you are posting again, and embarrassed that I am just now commenting... O_o Looks like you have more than 2 readers left. I will be one as long as you are blogging. ♥
I had no idea your middle child was able to compete in CC at varsity level!! She's just getting better and better! I bet the camp was a great thing for her this summer. :)
Is that little guy the one who was so sick last year? He looks healthy now!?! And growing!
Very sorry about your foot and the knee. I hope that both are doing better by now and that you are enjoying some good running.
Congrats to Joe!!
Excited to see you will be able to race Boston next year. It will be a meaningful day to be sure.
Looks like you had a great summer. Sorry about the injuries!
OMG, how did I miss this? I truly love your blog posts. They are so "Jenn". ALways love seeing pics of your beautiful family. All of you are beautiful! Inside and out.
I might have to bubble wrap you during your Boston training, and let you out only for your runs - because it is clear that you don't get injured when you run, you get injured when you don't ha! On a serious note, so, so happy the bad luck is behind you; you are such an example of resiliency - you get yourself back up and then take control of the situation (in this case strength, nutrition) and come back stronger. You always do. So much respect and love for you, Jenn! So happy to have you on my side:)
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