Friday, January 22, 2010

Booby's and shoutouts!

So, in my panic to get the kids ready for school this morning I pulled Max's library book out of his backpack and told him to get on the couch so I could read it to him before he had to return it. The book was called "The Booby Hatch" It was about Blue Footed Booby birds in the Galapagos Islands. One of these days I really need to grow up a little bit because I just could not read this book without laughing hysterically. Ryan was dying as well and even Max who may have spent some time in the locker room with older boys, or perhaps grown men, thought it was quite funny!

Anyway, backtracking..... Yesterday, I ran 5 miles on the treadmill SLOWLY while at times playing PS3 with my son while running. Wireless remotes are amazing. They certainly don't do much for running form but I got the job done. I made the "kid swap" with Joe right as he walked in the door from work so I could hit the fitness center. I only spent 45 minutes total there but it was a great workout and I was wiped! On to bigger and better things, Book Club. It was fun as usual. I ordered one glass of wine for show but didn't drink it because I knew I was running in the morning and one glass always means 2 glasses!

I can't believe I'm posting this stupid picture of myself before book club just because I said I would!

The temperature this morning at 8:00 am was already 29 degrees. Unfortunately, there was snow on the ground and it was extremely sloppy. Still a better option than the treadmill so I headed out for 17 miles. Well, this run pretty much sent my confidence to the dumpster. Yes, it was sloppy and not the easiest running but I really felt like SH*T. I am seriously wondering how in the world I can expect to run a marathon at 7:45 pace. I ran 3-5.8 mile loops but at the 17 mile mark EXACTLY, I quit running and walked the final .4 back to the car. (17 miles/2:21:25/8:19 pace) 8:18 was my goal pace so I wasn't off that, I just really felt terrible.

Joe and Ryan are headed to Bemidji and Crookston tomorrow and Reese and I are headed to Thief River Falls. Joe has about 6 hours of driving and I have 2. Weather is supposed to be crappy or I would be driving to watch Ryan. We have no overnights (woohoo) this weekend so my kids will make their grand entrance back into Sunday school on Sunday morning. Reese and Max both have games on Sunday and then time to watch the VIKES!!!!!

Here's what I know!!

Meg at is running the Carlsbad marathon. She is a grandma (a very young cool hip grandma) who kills marathons and ran an ultra in 103 degrees. Her and her hubby are both running and I wish them the best of luck!!

Julie at is running the St. Paul Frozen Securian half marathon. I was going to run this race before plans changed and I'm very thankful as it's supposed to be sleet, snow, and wind! Have fun on your first half Julie and I'm sure you'll do awesome.

My dad and my sister are running an indoor half marathon in Milwaukee, WI tomorrow! It'll be quite interesting to see how they do. My sister hasn't been training much but she is quite the competitor so I'm guessing she'll do quite well!

I'm sure there are many many more and please know I'm thinking of all of you!! Good Luck!


Julie said...

Hi Jenn,
Your bad days are even better than my good terms of running splits:) Oh, to be like Jenn! You look so freaking cute all of the time! I love the picture! Anyway thanks for the well wishes for tomorrow. You know there is same day registration so you could still sign up:) I hope you have a fabulous weekend Jenn!

Teamarcia said...

Nice pace on the 'crummy' 17--hell I'd take that pace for a 10k.
Love the cute pic!

Susan said...

I would have laughed reading the book, too..... and you look adorable in your pic!

Lisa said...

I love the picture! You look fantastic! I also will order a drink 'for show' or just get a diet coke when I go out the night before a run. Even one glass of wine can make for a not-so-great run the next day!

Have a great weekend! It'll be interesting to read about the indoor half marathon!


Good job on a less than ideal 17!

And what is this indoor half? like a 1000 laps or something. Please explain or link a website!

Lisa said...

Treadmill AND playstation? Now that's multitasking at its finest lol.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the shout out Jenn, you are so sweet! Girl, you made me feel like a million dollars with your description of me and this week, I REALLY needed it. It's funny how much you pepped me up, you are a true inspiration in so many ways; great mom, strong runner and kind! THANKS Jenn, you rock!
You will make that pace goal, keep at it...some days and weeks are like that. HANG in there!

Jill said...

Hi never cease to amaze me with your constant on-the-go-ness and all you do! Since long run is SUPPOSE to be slower than your marathon goal pace, I have no doubt you are going to rock your goals in Boston. And then we're going to celebrate with more than those 2 glasses of wine you're sacrificing for this journey. Happy weekend!!

Velma said...

You look great. What book are you reading? Good luck to all those who are running races this weekend.

Lily on the Road said...

You are one busy lady! Yes, I'm interested in what book you are reading.

Christina said...

I had to laugh at the title. First I had to laugh because I thought I read it wrong and my mind was in the gutter. Then when I realized I was right and read your post I laughed out loud.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the others. My good days aren't even close to your bad, you run fast! I am hoping to finish my 1/2 marathon next month a little faster than you ran 17 miles! Even on your bad rock!!

Wendy said...

I love the picture!

17 miles in sloppy weather is awesome! And, your pace is even more awesome! I'm so impressed!

Kerrie said...

You look super cute in that picture!

INDOOR half? Really?

Melissa said...

Indoor half? I wanna hear more.

You look FANTASTIC!!

Tara said...

It's a cute pic!

I would have totally laughed at that book's name as well (I am pretty immature when it comes to such things as boobs and poop jokes)

Go Vikings! I'm watching them and blogging at the same time.

J said...

Wow playing PS3 and running - that is quite a feat!!

So sorry that your run didn't go exactly as planned. I am sure that you will be able to run your marathon at the pace you want! Just keep thinking positive!! 17 miles at that pace is amazing with all the snow and slush and gunk! i absolutely hate running in slushy sloopy stuff!

Michelle said...

Cute story about the book - I think I might do the same thing!

Cute pic!

Pining for Pinterest said...

You look great in that picture! Love the story with your son :-)