Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lazy day and Picture(for real!)

So-I don't have to work today and I am totally taking advantage of it accomplishing NOTHING. So far, I've drank 2 pots of coffee, played 3 games of PS3 NHL '10 and sat at the computer reading blogs! I'm thinking perhaps I could do something constructive with my son but he is in about the same mode as I am so we will likely both be lazy slugs for the rest of the day (until about 3:30 that is; when Joe gets home and we get up and run around like we've been busy doing stuff all day!!)

Yesterday was an eventful day. A 7 year old girl bit me at work, twice, and hard. I really wanted to take a picture of her and piknic/photoshop it with little devil horns and a broom. Grow up-Jenn. Anyway, I totally understand that kids are afraid of the dentist(mine included) and I'm always trying to reassure them and honestly never get upset. This girl was not afraid, she was just a BRAT. Her mother was a BRAT too making it twice as frusrating!!

After work, I raced home, ate and got dressed to head out for my outdoor run! The kids were going to open hockey so we all went to town, parked at the rink and I ran from there. I am sooo loving running outside and I'm not sure how I'm dreading adjusting when the temps are below zero again next week. I had hills on the schedule but I decided I can do hills 3 times a week if I need to on the treadmill but I can only run outside occasionally! It is very flat country up here but we do have a decent bridge over the river. There are two bridge crossings on parallel streets so in my 10 mile run I ran over the bridge 4 times. I can feel it in my calves today so I'm thinking it counts for something. I finished (10 miles/1:20:12/8:01 pace). This was pretty comfortable. I had considered doing my long run today before the snow comes in but I don't think I can fit it in. My son is home and I couldn't run until 3:30. Book Club is at 6:30 and because I have to drive to where I want to run, I would really be cutting it close and probably stressing out during my run.(You can see book club is quite important to me!!) Also, I think I'm a little tired and should have a lighter day. Instead, I will run 4-5 on the treadmill at home and hit the fitness center at 3:30 to workout for an hour or so. I plan to start my long run (17 miles) tomorrow at about 8:00 am so I can make my noon hair appt. I am PRAYING the snow holds off and I am not bound to the treadmill.

So, true to my word, I am posting a picture of myself in my laziness, unshowered, playing PS3! Have a great day!!


Tricia said...

:) Good luck with the long run!

Anonymous said...

OMG- she BIT you!!! WOW. And trust me, I know all about brats, I work in a middle school!

I found you through Morgan :)

Anonymous said...

The good news is that you did not need a tetanus shot...

Lisa said...

Those are the best days. Nice to do that once in a while.

Pining for Pinterest said...

I am so envious of you right now!! I want to come and play too :-) I hope you have a nice, uneventful day!

Genesis said...

haha, I love it! i could totally live with you considering i dont brush my teeth or wash my face til 4 in the afternoon.

if i were you i probably would have made thatlittle girls dentsit trip a trip from hel just i know im so mean.

i hope the snow holds off for your long run.

J said...

I am enjoying these temps too, I dont want to go back to the treadmill when its close to 0 degrees F! Hope you enjoy your day off!

Running and living said...

Yay for being lazy! And yay for the runs, speedy lady!

Jill said...

Hi Jenn, Lazy days are the BEST! I'm so jealous (but I was off for 5 days and just got back today. ugh). You need a road trip to CO so that you can do hills with me. I can't even leave my driveway without having to climb a major hill. Just tell your husband a trip out West is marathon training related, he'll understand. Plus, I could use a speedy soul, as yourself, to push my pace!! I have hill repeats tonight but not as many as last week because this weeks is actually a recovery week, of sorts. Sorry for the bites, how ridiculous! Have a great day off, play hard :).

Susan said...

Really??? You got BIT??? I bet kids at school always want to bite me..... I'm the school nurse! Enjoy your lazy day and you look so cute enjoying it!!!

Aron said...

nice job on the 10 miler!! and yay for a lazy day :) we deserve them!

Tina @GottaRunNow said...

I hope this is the first and only bite! That's a good clip for 10 miles! Glad you had some warmer weather to run in, although I bet I'd still call it cold!

Julie said...

Hi Jenn,
Lets talk about lazy....that was me last night with my bootie on the couch...and I loved every second of it:) Good job on the hills...sounds like fun...not really:) Your hair looks very cute:)

Katie A. said...

Wow! She bit you! How'd you keep from smacking her and her mother! You are a better woman than me! If any time calls for phsyical violence, I think it was then! :)
Love the lazy day pic - we all need one of those every once in a while - espcially when you get to spend it with your son.
Good luck on the LR, I'll send good vibes your way that the snow holds off! Have fun at book club :)

Jill said...

Me again. So glad you're coming for a visit (hehe). I just wanted to say that I ONLY do 3-way lunges on Sunday, the day after my long run....otherwise I'd be too flipping sore. Placement of those puppies is vital. So that's the only day I do them, the other two weight training days I just do core and arms. And no matter how much faster you are than me, I'm just soooo excited you'll be in Boston for my big birthday gala!! I am sooooo excited for that!! Happy wt. training today :).

ihaverun said...

Good luck with the long run! You more than earn a little laziness now and then!

Running Diva Mom said...

I wish I looked that good on a lazy a$$ day!! Sounds like a much needed lazy day -- hope you enjoyed it!! :-)

Lindsay said...

you seem speedy to me, especially since you claim you don't do speedwork. i laughed at your comment on my blog about how you magically hope to be 2 min/mile faster on race day... i've done that before!! :)

blech, your negotation is that you can do hill workouts on the treadmill? i bribe myself to run on the treadmill by saying it's completely flat and i only have to leave it on 1.0 incline. you are tougher than i!

Unknown said...

Good luck with your long run! I love the lazy day pic, that is awesome!!

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

Wish I could look that good on an OFF day.. Love COFFEE

Michelle said...

I agree with Tall Mom! Great pic!

Can't believe you were bit! Yikes!

Melissa said...

What a good pic!!
Hope your 17 miler rocks!